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Project Overview:

OPSWAT Reached out with an interest in redesigning their academy pages. The soul goal of the academy program is to help educate professionals in the latest cybersecurity practices. Once a class is completed a certification is given that can help cybersecurity experts stay up to date. OPSWAT is a global brand with office locations all around the world.

Problem Statement:

A yonder workforce is entering cybersecurity and OPSWAT wants to help lead the way with Globally recognized certifications.


The home page presents OPSWAT as the leading experts in cybersecurity. Users are then shown the path to [CIP] certification. A user can easily see all courses available without having to sign up or have pre-requisites.



User are now able to continue there education in cyber security with leading export working directly in the field. OPSWAT can now help educate future employees of exports by leading the charge in cyber security.
Mr. D Math
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Mr. D Math
