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Project Overview:

The website aims to attract potential users, provide comprehensive information about there finances, and encourage them to download and use Crybse for managing their crypto.

Problem Statement:

At the time, the cryptocurrency industry was still relatively new, and many users were grappling with its complexities. Presenting a large amount of text and intricate explanations would likely have led to confusion.


Rather than inundating users with extensive text and intricate descriptions, the strategy involved providing concise and straightforward explanations. Information was organized into digestible cards, allowing users to absorb it in manageable chunks. This approach was designed to enhance content accessibility, facilitating a better understanding of the complexities within the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry, especially for new users.



The key takeaway is that by simplifying information, using clear explanations, and organizing content into manageable chunks through cards, the approach aimed to enhance accessibility for users, particularly those new to the cryptocurrency industry. The overarching goal was to facilitate a better understanding of the complex concepts within the emerging cryptocurrency space.

Glewee Mobile App
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Glewee Mobile App
